Popes on Parade
Anno 1101 - 1200

Paschal II

Ranieri da Bieda
Anno 1099-1118

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.


Anno 1100-1102

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.


Anno 1102

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Sylvester IV

Anno 1105-1111

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Gelasius II

John Coniolo (of Gaeta)
Anno 1118-1119

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Gregory VIII

Mauritius Bourdin
Anno 1118-1121

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Calixtus II

Guido of Burgundy
Anno 1119-1124

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Honorius II

Lamberto dei Fagnani
Anno 1124-1130

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Celestine II

Teobaldo Buccapeco
Anno 1124

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Innocent II

Gregorio Papareschi
Anno 1130-1143

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Anacletus II

Pietro Pierleone
Anno 1130-1138

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Victor IV

Gregory Conti
Anno 1138

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Celestine II

Guido di Castello
Anno 1143-1144

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Lucius II

Gherardo Caccianemici
Anno 1144-1145

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Blessed Eugene II

Bernardo Paganelli
Anno 1145-1153

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Anastasius IV

Corrado della Subarra
Anno 1153-1154

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Hadrian IV

Nicholas Breakspear
Anno 1154-1159

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Alexander III

Orlando Bandinelli
Anno 1159-1181

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Victor IV

Octavian of St. Cecilia
Anno 1159-1164

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Pascal III

Guido of Crema
Anno 1164-1168

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Calixtus III

Johannes de Struma
Anno 1168-1179

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Innocent III

Lando da Sessa
Anno 1179-1180

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Lucius III

Ubaldo Allucingoli
Anno 1181-1185

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Urban III

Uberto Crivelli
Anno 1185-1187

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Gregory VIII

Alberto di Morra
Anno 1187

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Clement III

Paolo Scolari
Anno 1187-1191

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Celestine III

Giacinto Bobone (Orsini)
Anno 1191-1198

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Innocent III

Lotario dei Conti di Segni
Anno 1198-1216

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

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