Popes on Parade
Anno 1401 - 1500

Boniface IX

Piero Tomacelli
Anno 1389-1404

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Benedict XIII

Pedro Martini de Luna
(Antipope at Avignon)
Anno 1394-1424

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.


Innocent VII

Cosimo de'Migliorati
Anno 1404-1406

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Gregory XII

Angelo Corrario
Anno 1406-1415

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Alexander V

Pietro Pilarghi Crusinallo de Candia
Anno 1409-1410

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.



Baldassare Cossa
Anno 1410-1415

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.


Martin V

Oddone Colonna
Anno 1417-1431

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Eugene IV

Gabriello Condulmaro
Anno 1431-1447

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Felix V

Amadeus of Savoy
Anno 1439-1449

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.


Nicholas V

Tommaso Parentucelli
Anno 1447-1455

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Calixtus III

Alfonso de Borgia
Anno 1455-1458

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Pius II

Enea Silvio de'Piccolomini
Anno 1458-1464

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Paul II

Pietro Barbo
Anno 1464-1471

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Sixtus IV

Francesco della Rovere
Anno 1471-1484

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Innocent VIII

Giovanni Battista Cibò
Anno 1484-1492

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Alexander VI

Rodrigo Borgia
Anno 1492-1503

This is where the bio goes. Something about who they were, when and how they became Pope, and what they did.

Complete List of Popes
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